God's mission for The Midnight Oil is to serve a community of believers old or new and those curious about our Lord Jesus Christ - Everyone is welcome at the table! Providing a place of shelter to learn together and grow through fellowship and scripture. - For when we gather in His name, He is with us! Matthew 18:20
For He is coming like a thief in the night, but believers, we are not in darkness for that day to overtake us like a thief - for us who are enlightened with the knowledge of God, it is our duty to keep our eyes on the lord and not allow ourselves to be oppressed with the cares of this world.
Keeping our lamps burning, flask full, eyes open and looking up for our blessed hope - for we know neither the day nor hour Jesus returns for His bride, but we must always be ready at any moment - let's enter the door together!

Little bit about me...
Just a fellow servant who desires to follow the will of the Holy Spirit, to use the talents provided by God, and to share the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ - so that together we keep our lamps trimmed and flask full - ready for His return!
Kodey Seigfreid