If you read through the Old Testament, you’ll find significant space given to the tabernacle and the temple. These structures were symbols that pointed to the fact that all creation is God’s temple. Jesus picks up on this truth, presenting himself as the true temple. He also made a bold claim that God’s presence would come to dwell in his followers and not just in these sacred structures. The early church formed communities where God rested and ruled––his intention since the beginning! This is what our theme video on the temple is all about. These notes go a level deeper than we can cover in a five-minute video. In the following pages, you’ll be introduced to key concepts, passages, and images that will enable you to gain a better understanding of the temple theme throughout the Bible.
Study Notes: Temple Video Notes_09-04-19.pdf (d1bsmz3sdihplr.cloudfront.net)
Youtube Link: Temple - YouTube