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The Midnight Oil is helping non-profits and we could really use your help!  

The Midnight Oil supports the Samaritans Purse and their efforts to globally impact the world. We did our research to make sure that your donations are getting to the cause. The Samaritans Purse is rated one of the best charities to give to.  The 5 Best Christian Charities for your Donations (

Below are the current programs we support. Let's keep our oil full by living for Christ. Let us help do his work!


Project #1 -

Feed The Need 

Scripture tells us that when we reach out to help “one of the least of these” we are expressing our love for the Lord Himself: “I was hungry and you gave Me food” (Matthew 25:35a, NKJV). We are working with Samaritan’s Purse to meet the physical and spiritual needs of people around the world through several hunger relief programs, including therapeutic feeding for malnourished children and nursing mothers, emergency food distributions in crisis situations, hot meals for orphans and the elderly, and food parcels for families in poor neighborhoods. Donate here to help feed the world!


Project #2 - 

Help Persecuted Christians! 

Saul actively persecuted Christians before he was stricken blind in an encounter with Jesus on the Damascus Road. After his sight was restored, the renamed Apostle Paul went on to preach the Gospel around Asia and in Europe. He said that during these missionary journeys “we were so utterly burdened beyond our strength that we despaired of life itself” (2 Corinthians 1:8, ESV). Such hardship is a reality for many Christians around the world simply because they choose to follow Jesus. Donate to help our brothers and sisters all over the world!


Project #3 - 

Clean Water 

Your gift for clean water can provide tanks, filters, latrines, hygiene training, and other essential measures to protect water sources and prevent the spread of disease as we seek to meet physical and spiritual needs in the Name of Jesus. We support Samaritan's Purse  through donations to help with drilling wells and providing refreshing water for communities thirsting for hope. 5 Wells in 5 Days is a God-sized effort to raise enough support to drill wells for struggling communities, and reach those in need with clean water and the promise of a new life in Jesus Christ.


Project #4 -

Operation Underground Railroad

The Underground Railroad has gathered the world's experts in extraction operations and in anti-child trafficking efforts to bring an end to child slavery. There O.U.R.'s Ops Team consists of former CIA, past and current law enforcement, and highly skilled operatives that lead coordinated identification and extraction efforts. These operations are always in conjunction with law enforcement throughout the world. Let's help them with the fight! Donate below to support the effort!


Project #5 - 

Buy or Request a Bible for yourself and others!

We want to help all of those who are in need of a bible. Hit the request a bible button below if you need a bible  and the donate button to help us buy and send bibles to all who need one!


Project #6 -

Hope Children's Home

Founded in 1968, Hope Children’s Home has rescued nearly 5,000 children between the ages of infant to 18 years of age. The type of children we care for are not juvenile delinquents, but rather children that, through no fault of their own, find themselves in a situation of needed rescue. Some children simply come out of a situation where a parent just needs a little help. Hope believes that a personal relationship with Christ, combined with an excellent education and a well-rounded sports program is the key to Hope’s success! Donate below to support the effort!

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