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Writer's pictureThe Midnight Oil

A Sign & Fulfillment: BETHLEHEM STAR - 12/21/20 Convergence!

In the END -TIMES, JESUS said that we would see signs in the sky, sun, moon and stars.

"And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring" Luke 21:25

I believe that we started seeing these PROPHETIC SIGNS of JESUS' soon return in September 2014, with the RED BLOOD MOONS for 2 consecutive years on the Hebrew Feast days, as well as the REVELATION 12 SIGN that occurred in September 2017.

There was also what they called the Bethlehem Star that showed up for three years in a row (2015-2017) when Jupiter and Venus came into alignment. It is one of many conjectures of what the BETHLEHEM STAR really was. Most believe that it is an alignment of planets, and not an actual star. Most agree, however, that it involves JUPITER, which is the KING PLANET.

NOW there is a NEW ALIGNMENT coming on 12/21/20 with JUPITER and SATURN. They are also calling this the 'CHRISTMAS STAR' or the 'STAR OF BETHLEHEM.' since it will be so BRIGHT. Just like before JESUS was born! One astronomer has said, after 30 years of research, that this Jupiter and Saturn is the actual alignment for the Bethlehem Star.

Although Jupiter and Saturn's alignment occurs about every 20 years, this upcoming one is different! It is because these 2 planets will OCCUR VERY CLOSE TO ONE ANOTHER. This hasn’t happened since March 4th 1226.....800 years ago!

Brothers and Sisters, this upcoming alignment of 2 large planets, very well could be a very important SIGN for JESUS's soon return! There will be SIGNS in the sky to usher in HIS coming. Just like the first time HE came to earth!

For those who know the LORD JESUS, we need to look up for our REDEMPTION DRAWS NEAR!!! Continue to WATCH daily as we wait for our BLESSED HOPE, JESUS to come for HIS BRIDE!

DO YOU KNOW JESUS??? Do you want to? Jump in our Forums.. We can help!

“Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.” Luke 21:36

“Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.” Matthew 24:32

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