Pastor Hibbs is someone I watch all the time. He has very sound doctrine and is not afraid to tell you the truth. He is very knowledgeable about the current time we are in and the prophecy that is being fulfilled.
About: Pastor Jack Hibbs is passionate about life! This passion comes out of his deep understanding that God, who came to earth in human skin, has through Jesus Christ provided the way, the truth, and the life. Our relationship with God, broken because of our sin, can be restored through Him. Jesus said He came to give us an "abundant" life. That's real life done God's way! Our relationship with Christ and His instructions about the Christian life should impact every area of our being. That's right! God's Word -- the Bible -- speaks to the real life issues we all face. Depression. Joy. Suffering. Forgiveness. Peace. Fulfillment. It is our hope that through Jesus Christ you will know Real Life!
One of his videos and Links to his media:
YouTube Link: Real Life with Jack Hibbs - YouTube