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The Watchmen are SOUNDING THE ALARM!! It's Here.. Are you on the Life Boat? Rapture/End of Days/Trib

Updated: Oct 28, 2021

Hello Family. I want to shout out that the day is soon approaching where we will be caught up with our Lord - Jesus Christ in the Air!

I mean look at the predictive programming - Even the Simpson's are sounding the Alarm! The rapture is right around the corner! Time is UP! Just watch Season 16 Episode 19 Thank God, It's Doomsday...

Many Many watchmen and bible pastors are sounding the alarm right now. We are seeing the pages of bible prophecy jump out of the pages so rapidly as we watch the world stage prepare for the coming anti-Christ and the new world order/tribulation taking hold - it's now time. It's time that we hold tight and find peace in our lord and savior Jesus Christ, as it says in Titus 2:13 "while we wait for the blessed hope—the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ"!

Brothers and Sisters Our savior Jesus Christ is at the Door! I believe that any day now he is going to slam that door open and remove the "Restrainer" His Holy Spirit!

If you're hope and salvation is currently not in Christ I plea with your brother and sister to get on the life boat before it's to late! Accept Jesus as your personal Lord and savoir! Do wait until tomorrow because it might not be here. Need help accepting Christ?

Below are just some of the Watchmen and Pastors - Over 167 are sounding the ALARM!!! Here are 17 Brothers and Sisters... Remove the scales from your eyes and understand that we "The Bride" are in the last moments of the last days!

Keep your lamps full and your eyes up watching..!!

End Times Researcher: Jan Markell

Pastor: Jack Hibbs

Watchman: God's Roadmap to the End

Watchman: Berry Awe

Watchmen: The Sword of God

Watchmen: A Call for an Uprising

Watchmen: Watchmen for That Great Day!

Pastor: JD FARAG

Pastor: Behold Israel/ Amir Tsfati

Watchmen: Tony Lamb

Watchmen: End Times Visions

Watchmen: Rapture Puzzle

Watchman: God a Minute?

Watchmen: Ty Green

Watchmen: Watchmen On the Wall 88

Watchmen: Israel Bible Prophecy News Analysis & Ezekiel Temple Watch


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